In the days, weeks, and months leading up to the election, I heard, quite often, "God is on our side". Well, the election is now over, and it seems the outcome didn't produce the desired results for everyone. What's a good conservative to do? Yes, they'll whine and talk about seceding from the Union.
I say, go for it. But, remember, the land stays with US. You may go anywhere you see fit at any time (only don't think Canada will be better - they have
universal healthcare socialized medicine... Or Australia... or Britain...).
It's simple really. If you actually believe your god has a hand in the election of American Government, there's but two ways to look at it:
1) God wanted the Democrat to win. Who are you to question god's decisions? Is the thought that you may have been wrong about what god wanted so foreign that you can't fathom it?
2) Or, Your god is less powerful than a muslim from Kenya (No, I think you better stick with viewpoint number one).