Sunday, May 16, 2010

Apparently Grandma had a thing for cavemen...

I admit, this is way above my head. But I am interested how we, as a species, came about.

Well, yeah, it's boring and science-y. But, it does explain a few things about our origins.

It appears that modern humans may have about 2% Neanderthal as part of their genetic makeup.

Some of us, maybe more ;-)

Intersting too, is this research, that suggests we may have eaten our homonid ancestors into extinction. That, too, makes me wonder why we, as humans, are so damned cruel!


Sage Ravenwood said...

I think human beings are inherently selfish at heart and have a tendency to make things more complicated than need be.

Could be why the first words I say each morning is, "Let me be the person my dog thinks I am." (Hugs)Indigo

Senorita said...

Hahaha, I was about to mention that you may have more neanderthal in you, but you beat me to it ! Not only that, but you showed your picture, too !

Humans, we are an interesting breed, I tell you. I wonder what the animal kindom thinks of us.

Riot Kitty said...

"Some of us, maybe more." LOL! No kidding!

Supposedly we also share quite a bit of DNA with bananas. I think I share more with them than I share with my right-wing relatives...

Fireblossom said...

Darling, a neanderthal, in my estimation, is any man who doesn't belong to the country club.

No matter what anyone tells you, it is the female who initiates the mating dance. She does this by saying something along the lines of, "So...tell me a little about what you do!" This is more refined than demanding financials over the apertifs.

Anonymous said...

"'So...tell me a little about what you do!' This is more refined than demanding financials over the apertifs."

Lol...yeah, slightly.

Men and women invariably live up to the heartless cliches we take great aims to disavow.

I guess the merit is in trying not to do so.

Per the Neanderthals, I am Jack's total lack of surprise. We'll pretty much have sex with anything, and heterosexual women have always been suckers for a strong jawline.

Unknown said...

I was watching a programme recently where a tribe in Papua New Guinea still have a bit of a munch of a loved one before committing their body to the earth - so retaining some of their life in their own bodies.
I suppose its only one step removed from eating grandma before she wriggled lose from her mortal coil!

Although not eyeing up any relatives for a quick lunch I have to admit that being bonked over the head and dragged back to the cave doesn't sound entirely un-appealing!

Unknown said...

pee ess - I am finding the seductive pose of Mr Caveman quite attractive!

Tit for Tat said...

I wonder what the animal kindom thinks of us.(Senorita)

I think, like we do with them, they wonder how good we might taste.

rita said...

Well, this video makes the "Clan of The Cave Bear" series sound a little more realistic then I thought possible when I read it back in the 1980's.
Harry, in the "Cave Bear" series it's the bad homo sapien males that rape the poor innocent Neanderthal women. Enlightened Homo sapien women were righteously indignant, of course.

pboyfloyd said...

Wonder if they've thought of comparing that DNA to Australian Aborigine DNA?

From the old pictures, looks to me like they took the Orient Express to Australia straight from the Neandertal(formerly Neanderthal)Valley!

Hey, mac, maybe your just part German!

Anonymous said...

So are you saying early humans were cannibals??? Well that explains a lot. And are you saying that the first picture is your Grandpa?

Carma Sez said...

great post. Please don't hate me for not watching the video but once you said it was science-y and boring I decided to do a little skippy skip. Hey, if they ever do more of those Geico commercials you will be a shoe-in with your extra Neanderthal percentage :D (lame joke, I know)

pboyfloyd said...


Pfft! Of course the SECOND picture is Grandma!

mac said...

Hey, I resemble that remark, pboy!

LGA said...

Dammit!! I'm at work and can't watch the super duper fun science-y video.

You have no idea how angry this makes me... How else am I supposed to stay awake all night long?

"Let me be the person my dog thinks I am." I love that. :)

Candice said...

I like to have my hair pulled. I can definitely tell I have some cavewoman in me. ;)


Ileana said...

I should sketch you, caveboy! ;)

THE OTHER said...

I just found a comment you left on my blog which I have not been at in quite some time. I think it would be interesting to be able to further discuss what you meant. Let me know if you are interested in a dialouge. *smile*