Monday, December 28, 2015

It's a sad day in mac's house.

You scientific types have Dawkins. Us antisocial types had Lemmy.

So long, Good Sir!


Anonymous said...

mac said...

That's a great joke Harry!

Long time no see! How have you been?

mac said...

That's a great joke Harry!

Long time no see! How have you been?

Anonymous said...

That joke was a belly hurtin, tear bringer. Lemmy's voice was perfect for it.

I've been good Mac, though more broken up about David Bowie than I thought I'd be.

I hope you and your middle fingers are in fine form sir.

mac said...

Lemmy on his "action figure"

Bowie was a shock.

Anonymous said...


A line of vibrators shaped like Lemmy's cock would've suited him better.

mac said...

You have quite the way with words, Harry :-)

GearHedEd said...

Poop. Lemmy was epic.

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